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Expressia - Tangos and Fantasies
Various composers

Cadence Ensemble

Expressia - Tangos and Fantasies

Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212014028
Catnr: SIGCD 140
Release date: 01 November 2008
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1 CD
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Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
01 November 2008

About the album

The New release from one of Armenia’s leading and most popular music groups. Following their prior success this year with their first release of Expressia - Armenian Fantasy, Cadence Ensemble expand their recording ventures to Expressia - Tangos and Fantasies. This new release explores the Tango at its best including works from some of the great Tango writers including Astor Piazzolla and fellow Armenian Narine Zarifian. With innovative arrangements of works by Carlos Gardel, Hector Stampioni and the Fantasy on Themes of Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin.

Prachtige tangowerken van de grootste tangocomponisten
Dit album is van een van de belangrijkste en populairste muzikale groepen in Armenië. Als gevolg van hun succes met de eerste uitgave van Expressia - Armenian Fantasy, breidt Cadence Ensemble hun opnamerepertoire uit met Expressia - Tangos and Fantasies. Deze opname verkent de tango op zijn best met werken van een aantal van de grootste tangocomponisten zoals Astor Piazolla en mede Armeniër Narine Zarifian. Daarnaast bevat het album ook nieuwe arrangementen van werken van Carlos Gardel, Hector Stampioni en het Fantasy on Themes uit Porgy and Bess van George Gershwin.

Het Cadence Ensemble werd in 2004 opgericht door pianist Armen Babakhanian met in eerste instantie het idee om de werken van de Argentijnse componist Astor Piazolla te vertolken. Later breidden ze hun repertoire uit met werken van Armeense, Russische, Europese en Amerikaanse componisten. Inmiddels speelt het ensemble zowel populaire als klassieke werken maar het voert ook nog steeds de muziek van Astor Piazolla uit.


Cadence Ensemble

The Cadence Ensemble was formed in February 2004 by five outstanding Armenian instrumentalists under the leadership of pianist Armen Babakhanian, initially to perform the works of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). The ensemble’s premiere concert took place in April 2004, and it soon became one of the leading and most popular music groups of Armenia, as it expanded its musical vision to include masterpieces of classical and contemporary European, American, Russian and Armenian composers, while maintaining an affinity for Piazzolla. Arrangements of many famous works, from classical, world music and pop are now included in its repertoire, alongside specially composed pieces dedicated to the ensemble and its members. Cadence has enjoyed international exposure through live broadcasts of its concerts, and...
The Cadence Ensemble was formed in February 2004 by five outstanding Armenian instrumentalists under the leadership of pianist Armen Babakhanian, initially to perform the works of Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla (1921-1992). The ensemble’s premiere concert took place in April 2004, and it soon became one of the leading and most popular music groups of Armenia, as it expanded its musical vision to include masterpieces of classical and contemporary European, American, Russian and Armenian composers, while maintaining an affinity for Piazzolla. Arrangements of many famous works, from classical, world music and pop are now included in its repertoire, alongside specially composed pieces dedicated to the ensemble and its members. Cadence has enjoyed international exposure through live broadcasts of its concerts, and the release of three CDs and DVDs, and has received numerous invitations to perform in Russia alongside European, Asian, Gulf and Middle East countries. The group’s first international tour took place in April 2005, the highlights being performances in the Teatro Colon and Teatro Servantes, Buenos Aires. In July 2005 the ensemble and its soloists performed concerts and gave master-classes at the Pazaislis Festival in Kaunas and Vilnius, Lithuania, and in December 2005 participated in international music festivals in Tehran and Tbilisi, Georgia. In May 2006 the Ensemble gave concerts in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Dubai, UAE and in September 2006 performed in the Cairo and Alexandria Opera Houses in Egypt. 2007 saw further concerts in Beirut and Byblos, Lebanon, Paris, London, Brussels, Shenyang and Beijing.




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